Substructure Projects

Kestrel provides a platform for developing and distributing open source SaaS applications. The Kestrel platform allows users to maintain control over their own data through a combination of open databases and cryptography. The long-term vision is to use innovative mechanisms to determine the pricing of individual services and to distribute those funds fairly among contributors and dependent projects.

The end goal of Kestrel is to create a sustainable ecosystem where open source projects can be easily forked, modified, and redeployed, all while maintaining access to the same underlying data and directing revenues fairly.

Kestrel is currently the main, active focus of



AlgoDAO is an experiment with on-chain governance developed on the Algorand blockchain. It is a proof of concept of implementing an alternate governance system relying on committees and customizable voting mechanisms, all enforced through a self-updating set of on-chain contracts.

AlgoDAO is a proof of concept and has not been audited for production use. It is not currently under active development.


Zebec Music

Zebec Music is a proof of concept using the Zebec protocol (a payment streaming protocol built on the Solana blockchain) of providing a premium streaming audio channel to users who activate a payment stream. Payment streams are a novel concept that can be built on smart contract blockchains that authorize a provider to withdraw a specified amount of currency per unit time (e.g., $0.05/minute) while the stream is active.

Zebec Music is a proof of concept and is not a production-ready product. It is not under active development.


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